Social Media
Social media is a collection of communication channels that allow users to share and interact in real-time. Social media includes sites like Twitter, Facebook, and many message apps such as WhatsApp. Because social media enables people to connect with one another online, it has allowed the spread of information and the creation of new communities and ideas. In our articles, we’ll take a look at what social media is and its uses.
Facebook Introduces #Hashtags to its Users
After enabling ‘Verified’ feature like Twitter, now Facebook is introducing clickable Hashtags to its users. Currently Hashtags (#) are being used in social Medias like Twitter, Instagram, Google+, and some other services. It helps a…
716What is Social Media on the Internet?
Social media is all about connecting with people and building relationships, which is why it has become so popular in recent years. Today, people use social media to share their hobbies, interests, and even their personal information with their…
939The Invention of Social Media and its Evolution
The term “social media” has become so overused these days that it’s difficult to imagine that it was once a relatively new term. The term was coined by a company called Odeo. In 2006, Odeo was one of the first social media websites to gain…
How AI Can Personalize Your Learning Experience
In a world that's rapidly evolving, it's essential to continually upgrade your skills and knowledge. However, traditional learning methods have their limitations, and not everyone learns at the same…