Everyday Computers
There is barely an area of our lives that is untouched by computers. However, for most people they fall into three main categories, gaming, home use, and office use. In our articles, we shall explore these areas and the way that computers have transformed our lives over the last century.
Computer Consuls – Gaming and Virtual Reality
Gaming has a long and rich history, with many different gaming styles and genres present from the earliest days of gaming all the way to modern times. In fact, the earliest computer games date back to the early 1950s! Nowadays, gaming is a big…
1993Every Day Computers in the Home
Today’s smart home devices are a vast improvement over the clunky old-school versions. They connect us to the outside world, help us manage day-to-day tasks, and make our homes feel like homes again. But these home automation devices can also…
1998Every Day Computers in the Workplace
Today, computers have become an integral part of our daily lives. In fact, computers are used in virtually every aspect of our lives. From email and social media to online shopping and banking, computers are an indispensable tool. But how…
2240Interesting Facts About the Sun
The Sun is the closest star to Earth, and the light it gives off is so bright that we can see it during the day. It’s difficult to grasp just how big or small the Sun is, after all, most of us…
The Steam Engine- A marvel of Engineering
High-pressure, high-volume, small-scale production processes were still nearly two centuries away when Watt developed the first practical steam engine in 1765. His design was an efficient hybrid of…
15 AI Tools to Help You Learn and Develop New Skills
Artificial intelligence has revolutionized the way we live, work, and learn. With the help of AI, we can now develop new skills faster and more efficiently than ever before. From language learning to…