Medicine and Machines
Medicine has always been a human endeavor, but it’s only in the last few centuries that humans have had the ability to take an active hand in treating the diseases that plague us. These days, we have machines and technology that can help us take care of the diseases we were once helpless against. Our articles look at how machines and technology have changed medicine.
What Technology is in a Modern Day Operating Theater?
Operating rooms are among the most technologically advanced environments in any hospital. They’re also one of the most challenging. Operating rooms are crowded with equipment, hungry staff, and an endless stream of paperwork. In addition toOper…
1249Robotics and Applications in Modern Surgery
Surgeons are always looking for ways to cut costs and make the best use of their time. Robotic surgery is one of the latest trends in healthcare and it can have a massive impact on patient care. While it may seem like a recent invention, robotic…
1029The History and Development of the MRI
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a medical imaging modality that provides high spatial resolution of anatomical structures. It is the best diagnostic imaging technique for detecting soft tissue structures and is used extensively in medicine.…
1062Medicine and the Impact of Technology
The field of medicine is always changing, and it’s never been more so than in the 21st century. Advances in technology have revolutionized the practice of medicine, making it easier than ever to diagnose and treat a variety of diseases.In this …
1343Virtual Reality Medicine and Technology
Virtual reality (VR) has the potential to transform medicine, transforming the way that patients and doctors interact and the way that patients experience their medical treatments. Virtual reality can help patients feel more connected to theirV…
1302The History of the Anesthesia Machine
Anesthesia machines have evolved steadily since the days of the scalpel and ether, with each advance improving patient safety and comfort. The first anesthesia machine, a "trough anesthesia machine," was built in the late 19th century. ThisThes…
1325The History of the Iron Lung
The iron lung has come a long way in the last century. Originally invented in the early 1900s to treat respiratory failure, the iron lung wasn’t used for long until it became a medical necessity for patients with tuberculosis. Today, the ironTh…
1364Heart Surgery and the Use of Technology
Patients who have heart surgery face a number of challenges, from the physical toll of the procedure to the mental stress of recovery. But for some patients, these challenges are made worse by their technology use. Many devices are designed toW…
6 AI-Powered Tools for Smarter Team Communication
Effective communication is the backbone of any successful team. It enables team members to collaborate, share ideas, and work towards common goals. However, traditional communication methods such as…

Building an App for a Smartphone
With the rapid growth of smartphone technology, the need for businesses to invest in mobile apps is becoming increasingly important. Building a mobile app is no small feat, but it can be a great way…

Sentiment Analysis: How AI Can Improve Team Dynamics and Communication
Effective communication among team members can make or break a project, and even a company. However, communication isn't just about the words we say; it's also about the emotions behind them. That's…