Hardware and Coding
In these guides, you will learn how computers work and how you can use that knowledge to your advantage. You will learn the basics of hardware and software, and how these two are connected. These guides are for anyone who wants to learn about computers, from novices to experienced programmers. You will learn about computers hardware, operating systems, programming languages, and more.
Computer Hardware – What is a Processor?
{HEADING} Computer Hardware – What is a Processor? {/HEADING}{TEXT}A computer is nothing but a bunch of circuits, and the heart of a computer is its processor. The processor is the component that performs the basic arithmetic and logical…
1994Computers - Machine Code and Assembly Code
Computer architecture is the study of how computers work at the level of the hardware. This involves the study of the internal construction of computers and the study of how the various parts of a computer interact with one another.A computer…
1312Computers and What is Binary Code?
Before computers were able to do anything more complex than addition, they first needed to be able to understand and process the two most basic elements of any computer program: 1s and 0s.The original binary computers could only process these…
1832The Invention of the Silicon Chip
Did you know that the silicon chip used in electronics today is actually a re-purposed military component? Even though it was originally created for a completely different purpose, this component has now found its way into many modern…
How AI Can Personalize Your Learning Experience
In a world that's rapidly evolving, it's essential to continually upgrade your skills and knowledge. However, traditional learning methods have their limitations, and not everyone learns at the same…